
    Center of expertise

    Tilburg Experience Sampling Center (TESC) is a center of expertise with respect to Experience Sampling Methods research in the broader applied context of health, well-being and adaptiveness. TESC facilitates collaboration between researchers from various disciplines.

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    The study of the individual

    What works for one, doesn’t always work for all. Especially questions in the context of health, well-being and adaptiveness would benefit from studying the mood, thoughts and behaviors of individuals. Experience Sampling is an innovative research method that collects intensive longitudinal data of individuals.

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27 October 2023

Interview Willem Landman: Effect Measures in Single Case Research

Single Case Research Social workers are constantly learning to place others in their autonomy. That’s their job. In practice, there is an increasing need to work evidence-based; Are the interventions […]
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14 October 2022

Understanding when and why people develop depression

Everyone feels gloomy from time to time, to a greater or lesser extent, but can you predict when depression is lurking? Jonas Everaert (Medical and Clinical Psychology, Tilburg University and Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences, KU Leuven) is researching the complex interplay between factors that contribute to the onset and course of depressive symptoms. He is using various methods to identify causal risk mechanisms underlying depression.
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10 October 2022

Interview with Egon Dejonckheere, Medical and Clinical Psychology

Egon Dejonckheere has joined the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at Tilburg University, in addition to his appointment at KU Leuven. With a grant from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO, Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Vlaanderen), he is doing (among other topics) research on the data quality of experience sampling studies. He is also involved in the development of the app m-Path, a tool to bring experience sampling to clinical practice. Egon introduces himself and tells TESC about his work.
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