Center of Expertise

Tilburg Experience Sampling Center (TESC) is a center of expertise with respect to Experience Sampling Methods research in the broader applied context of health, well-being and adaptiveness. TESC facilitates collaboration between researchers from various disciplines. By sharing knowledge and working together, researchers are empowered to innovate towards better understanding, preventing, and treating problems with health, well-being and adaptiveness. TESC welcomes anyone with a research interest in Experience Sampling in the context of health, well-being and adaptiveness and regularly organizes workshops or seminars. The Tilburg Experience Sampling Center is part of the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences of Tilburg University.

Learn more about TESC’s objectives and guiding principles with our infographics.

The study of the individual

What works for one, doesn’t always work for all. Especially questions in the context of health, well-being and adaptiveness would benefit from studying the mood, thoughts and behaviors of individuals. Experience Sampling is an innovative research method that collects intensive longitudinal data of individuals (at least 50 time points per individual). The use of smartphones and wearables yields various active and passive data (e.g., number of steps, someone’s mood states, heart rate), which allows to obtain unique insights into the person-specific mechanisms that underlie health, well-being and adaptiveness. These insights may open up new possibilities to tailor future interventions to the person’s unique needs.

What TESC is and organizes

TESC at a glance:

  • TESC facilitates collaboration between researchers using Experience Sampling for health, well-being and adaptiveness.
  • TESC offers skill building in intensive data collection and analysis.
  • TESC increases opportunities for writing successful interdisciplinary grants on Experience Sampling studies.

Activities of TESC:

  • Engaging researchers in brainstorming and network meetings.
  • Organizing workshops, summer schools and colloquia aimed at knowledge transfer about intensive data collection and analysis.
  • Being a partner in writing competitive interdisciplinary grants.