Frequently asked questions

  • What is the experience sampling method?

    The experience sampling method (ESM) is also referred to as the daily diary method or ecological momentary assessment (EMA). The method measures at the moment itself, instead of afterwards, and at several times a day in the daily life of an individual. The method can be implemented in various ways, for example by asking questions via pop-ups on smartphones or by using data from wearables, sensors or other digital biometers. In this way, the researcher can gain insight into the feelings, thoughts, behavior, environmental factors, heart rate, stress or sleep rhythm of individuals in daily life. The intensive longitudinal data collected with ESM provide new insights about mental health, for example about changes that occur within the individual and differences between persons. Knowing what works for one and not for the other and why, enables us to offer tailor-made interventions.

  • I would like to cooperate with researchers from TESC. How can I get in contact?

    You are welcome to attend a TESC meeting or workshop, where you can meet TESC researchers and make connections for collaboration. To be informed about TESC meetings and workshops, please subscribe to the newsletter. Have a specific question? Then please send an email to

  • Does TESC offer support in conducting or analyzing my research with the experience sampling method?

    At the moment, TESC does not have an in-house and fully dedicated researcher who can help with the design and analysis of experience sampling research. However, TESC has a large network of researchers within the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. They have a a wide range of expertise on the set-up of experience sampling studies and/or the analysis of intensive longitudinal data. If you have a specific question, please get in touch through

  • I would like to start an experience sampling study using smartphones. Which app would TESC recommend?

    TESC works together with m-Path and Ethica Data. Both are user-friendly platforms for experience sampling studies and both have extensive features. For more information or for assistance in requesting a quote, please contact